By Caitlyn Crenshaw–

As the breeze in the air turns from somewhat chilly to downright cold, many students find lying on the couch more appealing than venturing outside for a workout.  However, with finals looming on the calendar, it is vital that students make health a priority.

Katrina Neubauer, a graduate assistant in the Office of Health Promotions, said, “Students need to make sure they stay active and eating healthy during the winter to avoid excessive weight gain, high stress levels and loss of muscle and bone density.”

Dr. Ed Ehlinger, the director and chief health officer of the University of Minnesota Boynton Health Service, said:  “College students are a large and growing population and are establishing lifestyles and behavior patterns, they are the trendsetters and the role models for younger people and they are the future leaders of our society. That is why we need to make them a priority.”

Dr. Ehlinger is conducting a comprehensive survery of the health of college students currently and hopes to affect students’ habits.

Neubauer encourages students to get invovled to become more physically active.  “Joining a group fitness class will help students enjoy their workouts and stay motivated,” said Neubauer.

One of the ways to stay healthy without breaking a sweat is to create a nutritious plate at each meal of the day.

The Ville Grille offers Nutrition Navigators to help students fill their plate.  Neubauer said, “They will be there to help students create nutrient-dense-plates and aid them in making healthier food choices.”

The SAC gym offers a fitness and wellness program that includes group fitness, aerobics and other sports.

“It is our hope that you will improve your lifestyle through improving your fitness level and truly become engaged with our program,” according to the intramural office.

During winter, students are more likely to spend time working their brains, rather than their hearts.  Neubauer said, “This sedentary behavior can lead to serious health implications such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.”

In general, students who make health a priority tend to also make education a priority.

Dr. Ehlinger said, “Good health helps students remain in school, and a college degree or certificate is an excellent predictor of better health and economic status throughout one›s lifetime.”

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Photos by Lara Kinne/The Louisville Cardinal