The Louisville Cardinal is the independent student news source at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. It is now exclusively online at louisvillecardinal.com.  The Cardinal was founded in 1926. The Cardinal serves as an outlet for aspiring student journalists. Ralph Merkel is the faculty adviser and Payton Carns is editor-in-chief.


The Louisville Cardinal’s student journalists value ethics and transparency as part of our approach to reporting, editing, storytelling and editorial platforms.
Disclosure is a key part of this process for all major donations. As part of our commitment to ethics and transparency, Louisville Cardinal news policy is to disclose any associations that could be perceived as conflicts of interest. Our goal is to make clear that donations and advertising support do not influence our newsroom, our work or our editorial decisions.
Our standard practice is to disclose conflicts at the footer of published stories when Cardinal staff or advisers are aware of them.
For instance, in the case of a story about a U.S. House debate at the University of Louisville, the disclosure might look like this: 
Disclosure: U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth is a major donor to the Louisville Cardinal. A list of all major donors to the Cardinal can be found at www.LouisvilleCardinal.com.
All major donors will be listed on this web page. Major donors are defined as any person, organization or entity that has given at least $1,000 to the Louisville Cardinal in the last four years.
Disclosures do not need to explicitly lay out what the perceived conflicts are but simply serve as declarations for readers.


The Louisville Cardinal Inc. board and staff would like to thank the following supporters, who have contributed individually or through charitable foundations at least $1,000 during the last four years.

  • Matthew and Brooke Brown Barzun 
  • Sandra Frazier
  • Mike Kallay
  • Don and Ann Kohler
  • John McCall
  • Sam Rechter
  • Thomas Noland and Vivian Sawyer
  • John and Catherine Yarmuth