By Kelsey Patrick–
Think girls are hard to shop for? You may be right. However, I’ll give you some simple rules to follow to not make it so challenging this year for Christmas.
-Do not do this on your own. Get one of her friends’ opinions before you buy it no matter what. Make sure you ask for advice from someone who shares her taste and knows her just as much if not better than you do, like one of her close friends. Plus, you show how much you care about her to her friends, which will score points with them.
-Make it sentimental. Whether it is the gift itself or a note that goes with it, the little things go a long way.
-Along with sentimental idea comes the jewelry idea. “I would want something sentimental like a necklace, ring or bracelet,” Jordan Wells said. You can typically never go wrong with jewelry. Something cute she can wear everyday to think of you is generally a way you can never go wrong. If you want one of the safest zones, go jewelry.
-Clothes.. Not so safe zone. “No clothes, that’s a dangerous game,” Courtney Brinkmann said. Clothing can be difficult to buy especially when it comes to picking a size for her. Buy it too small she has to go return it and she may find something she likes more while returning it. Buy it too big and she thinks you are insulting her. Keep it safe and steer clear of clothes unless she told you exactly what she wants and what size she needs.