By Staff —
Arry Schofield: Intro to Logic
My hardest class by far was Intro to Logic with Dr. Post, but of course, I’m the one that made it difficult on myself. When he handed me the midterm, I started crying in the middle of class. After getting a 59 percent on it, I realized that I needed to actually show up and put in work. Do not take this course unless you are prepared to do the work and study hard.
Linda Fathalizadeh: Political Discourse
If you’ve been avoiding your public speaking requirement for your general education requirement, take it through POLS 111. Political discourse was one of the first classes I had in college. It is a public speaking class designed around political issues that made me realize my passion for understanding social issues. I found it a lot easier to have to speak in front of people on something I believed in.
Yasmine Goodner: Intro to Biological Systems
I really liked Intro to Biological Systems (BIOL 102) with Professor Jeffery Masters. He was a very kind instructor who cared about the success of his students. He explained concepts thoroughly to make sure everyone understood new material. He even made his lecture notes detailed so that we wouldn’t have to buy the expensive textbook for the class. Although I took BIOL 102 just to fulfill a general education requirement, I ended up enjoying the class and learning a lot about cell functions and the human body.
Taylor Webster: Newswriting
News writing with Professor Ralph Merkel is a great course to take if you love writing and learning about journalism. The class period is discussion based and we often talked about current events, locally and nationally. Professor Merkel taught us all how to write different types of articles like news, features, opinion, sports and obituaries. This course is actually what inspired me to begin writing for The Cardinal. Because newspaper articles are normally short and to the point all the writing assignments for this course are short. All of the papers are one-pagers with the exception of the last paper which is three pages.
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