By Ethan Pelletier–

It is that time of year again—it is warming up outside (not really), birds are chirping (nope), classes are in full swing (unless they are canceled), and hopefully you have your spring break body already; but no one is talking about that.

Everyone is buzzing with anticipation as spring break beckons us away from our studies.

This is an exciting time of year, but it is easy to lose your head during all the going-ons. Here are seven tips on how to stay healthy during spring break.

1. Drink water
I know as well as anyone that it is difficult to keep your water bottle with you while chasing waves and drinking other beverages. Staying hydrated is an excellent way to alleviate some of the side effects of spring break and keep you on the beach rather than in bed.

2. Eat
“I had a taco yesterday” is not going to cut it. Maintaining calories is essential to keeping energized and having a good time, considering how active we will be.

3. Designate a driver
If you are going on break with a group of people, switch nights for driving! Make sure everyone makes it back every night and never drive under the influence.

4. Don’t drink in excess
This is a no brainer, but shall be emphasized anyway. A fine line exists between a good time and serious health issues. Enjoy yourself—just don’t do it at your own expense.

5. Leave school at school
Don’t be the stick in the mud that reads their textbook at the pool and forgoes a night out to dwell on Blackboard. There is a reason spring break is built in to the year.