By Adam Fannin–
With Thanksgiving being over, it’s time to start thinking about shopping for others on your holiday list. Maybe you didn’t complete your shopping on Black Friday or perhaps you missed Cyber Monday? Have no fear because there is still plenty of time left. I’d say that the easiest gift to buy this year is a stocking stuffer – a small present suitable for putting in a Christmas stocking.
These small gifts can widely vary in price, from something from the Dollar Tree to something from a jewelry store.
Do people still use stockings you may ask? Mechanical engineering major Brendan Loveless says his family does.
“My family has always used them and most people I know buy stocking stuffers,” Loveless said. “Even if there is not a literal stocking involved, small gifts can be fun.”
Stocking stuffers are great for everyone on your list – but what small gift is best for each person on your list? First, I want to talk about a special loved one. I would say jewelry for the woman and a video game for the man.
Or, you could be a bit more original and buy them tickets to an event or concert. Katerina Cumberland, communication major, said, “I would want my boyfriend to buy me some earrings from anywhere really.”
Thinking about that special guy you might have in your life, a watch might be a good gift for him. It’s something you always have with you and it gets a lot of use.
Fun cheap objects can also be good. You can buy more and it can always put a smile on someone’s face. If you have someone who is into fitness and does not already have one you could get them a Fitbit. It’s kind of pricey, but it would be a really nice gift and they’re very popular.
I would get kids whatever toy they have not stopped talking about – kids are super up front about what they want usually. If you’re lucky, maybe they’ll want a Nerf gun – there’s nothing like a kid shooting you with a Nerf gun for the rest of your holiday break.