By Catherine Brown-
With the leaves on tress beginning to fall and cooler weather on its way, what better way to unwind than by embracing the fall spirit?
We’re a week into September. Already, Halloween decorations are hitting the shelf at Kroger and Walmart. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are out at Starbucks. New horror movies are rolling out on our favorite streaming sites.
Here are just a few of the ways we can enjoy the coming of the new season.
Catch up on your favorite horror movies.
Start a movie marathon of classic and new movies with a horror theme. Rotten Tomatoes, a movie-rating website, lists the best horror movies of 2020, from “Feedback” to “Host.”
Love zombie apocalypse movies? Netflix has the 2016 South Korean film “Train to Busan,” a story about a man and his daughter who travel cross-country only to find themselves sharing a train with zombies looking to eat anything that they can detect.
Looking for a classic? Netflix also holds the horror classic “Paranormal Activity,” a movie about a couple who think that their house might hold a demon which encourages them to record their house at night.
If you’re not in the mood for terribly scary movies, go for a lighthearted classic. Catch up on those Halloween movies from childhood, like “Hocus Pocus,” “Halloweentown,” or “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” All of these movies can be found on Disney+. These movies bring lots of nostalgia and make you want to re-watch them!
Put on some seasonal music.
The winter holidays are known for their holiday spirit and festive music. But who says Halloween can’t have some of the fun?
If you’re in need of a fall playlist, again, go with the classics.
Think Michael’s Jackson’s “Thriller,” “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett and “This is Halloween” written by Danny Elfman for the Tim Burton movie “The Nightmare before Christmas.” These are the essentials for any good Halloween playlist. Without these songs, you can’t truly be in the Halloween spirit.
Start decorating.
Put out your jack-o-lanterns and spider webs now, folks!
From front yard tombstones to backyard pumpkin lights, everything you need to decorate your house can be found online. Try playing with fall colors and cover your house in orange and purple lights. Use a ghost or tombstone lawn stake–assuming you have a front yard, of course. This will give your house a playful look to it.
Or, stick to a theme. Create a ghostly graveyard effect with tombstones and cobwebs hanging everywhere. Use minimal lighting to come across as more haunting. You can easily turn your house into a haunted house with the right type of lighting and decorations.
Pick up a Halloween mask.
With the Halloween season on the rise, in addition to the pandemic, masks are necessary for celebrating the holiday this year. Some costume shops are already preparing for this.
If you want a cute Halloween design, shop for face masks that have candy corn patterns or tiny spiders. You’ll promote being healthy during the pandemic while also being spooky for the season, a double-win.
Buy your own Hannibal Lector or Jason mask to really catch others’ attention and provide an appropriate scare this Halloween. This way, you can be smart and safe while also showing off your horror side!
Dress for the season.
Does anybody else have a favorite sweater or fall T-shirt?
When the season rolls around, it’s the perfect time to break out the leggings and sweaters. A cozy scarf and a nice pair of boots go perfectly together. Also, turtlenecks are in!
Unfortunately, while you might have to start packing away those athletic shorts and tank tops, you can still dress for the weather in style. Layer up to add drama to your outfit, or keep it simple and to-the-point.
Whatever look you choose, be sure to fit it in with the colors of the season and go for some warmer colors, like orange or dark red. You’ll be sure to match the leaves!