By Anna Meany

Warning: If you find yourself suffering from jaw-dropping and eye-widening distraction, you may be coming down with a case of normalcy. Unlike several women on campus, you are startled when you see someone’s derrière being clung to by a less-than-appropriate fabric choice. The view from the front isn’t very kosher either. Take off those leggings and dress in something substantial.

It is usually something I can ignore, but today it rained. Precipitation brings out an overwhelming number of combinations of rain boots and leggings. We will have to take care of whichever designer deemed this look trendy. I should clarify: It is not leggings that annoy me – it is the unnecessary act of wearing leggings as pants. The tight, thin material that many women misunderstand as pants shows a bit too much for comfort. For goodness sake, wear a shirt long enough to cover your assets that you’re so anxious to boast. They would look much better under a skirt or shirt that covered the essentials.

What types of compliments do you give someone wearing leggings? “Your butt crack looks so chic”?

Women, take this as a public service announcement. It’s not like I’m calling you out on this at  Ville Grill. After reading this article, you can fully evaluate your life and decide if you want to be known as the girl with her junk hanging out. What momentous decisions we make in college! We all fall prey to certain trends. I’m sure my father regrets his mullet in the ‘80s. See how I just compared wearing leggings to rocking a mullet? You look that silly. I totally understand wanting to be fashionable and desiring to be noticed. Remember: You’re not Lady Gaga.

Read this petition like it’s the Bible. It’s a kind of moral code not to broadcast every crease of your body to campus. Think about confronting Jesus in those things! The pathetic excuses for pants cover as much as a loincloth. We’re not cavewomen. We’re civilized women with rights and privacy.

The activist in me wonders how, amidst such oppression toward women, girls can be so willing to degrade themselves. Yes, we have the freedom here in America to dress that way, but shouldn’t you consider image and self-respect?

Do you ever wonder if we want to see your derrière on our walk to biology? Come on, women. Please do the campus a favor and cover up.