By Joe Wilson — 

On Feb. 16, U of L announced that it is collaborating with Humana Inc. and The Humana Foundation to invest $25 million in the university’s Health Equity Innovation Hub.

The objective of the Health Equity Innovation Hub is to focus on research that enhances health outcomes for marginalized communities in Louisville and beyond. The Hub also strives to find solutions to Louisville’s health inequities.

The investment marks one of the largest single donations in U of L history. $10 million will come from U of L, while $1.5 million and $13.5 million will be donated from Humana and The Humana Foundation, respectively.

Dr. Nwando Olayiwola is chief health equity officer and senior vice president at Humana. In response to the announcement, she said, “Humana is committed to improving health equity and we will be intentional about addressing the underlying societal and structural factors that impede good and fair health, especially for people in communities that have been historically marginalized and made vulnerable.”

In addition to its research, the Hub is committed to supporting diverse creators, innovators and entrepreneurs. The Hub intends to work with community organizations and local businesses who share their goal of ameliorating health inequities.

Interim President Lori Gonzalez responded to the announcement. “U of L is a research powerhouse dedicated to making a positive impact on our world and addressing the challenges affecting the human condition. We are proud to the work with Humana and The Humana Foundation to further health equity for all through this new Hub. Together, we can have a tangible impact that benefits our shared community and far, far beyond.”

Founded in 1981, The Humana Foundation is the philanthropic branch of the Kentucky-based Humana, a for-profit health insurance company. According to its website, “By focusing on social determinants of health, The Humana Foundation aims to promote more healthy days and encourage greater health equity.” 

File Graphic // The Louisville Cardinal