By Madelin Shelton — 

The University of Louisville began Phase 1c of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan this week. U of L announced that U of L Health began vaccinating university members who are between 60 and 69 years of age as of March 1, 2021. For university members younger than 60, scheduling for vaccination appointments is planned to begin by mid-March.

“If you are between 60 and 69, be on the lookout for an email from Student Health Services ( service account) with the subject line ‘UofL COVID vaccinations for ages 60-69’ enabling you to indicate if you wish to receive the vaccine and to propose your preferred day of the week and times for the first vaccine,” the university said.

Respondents will then have to complete the Microsoft Form attached in the email to ensure enrollment for the vaccination.

Appointment times for the first and second doses will be automatically scheduled for respondents upon completion of the form. Estimated appointment times range from 30 minutes to one hour.

U of L Health staff will have to monitor vaccine recipients for at least 15 minutes after the shot to watch for any adverse reactions. Those with a history of allergic reactions may need to be monitored for longer periods of time.

The vaccine appointments for university members are located at U of L Health’s drive-thru clinic on 499 South Brook Street, Louisville, KY 40202.

Graphic by Andrew Campbell // The Louisville Cardinal