By Shoni Schimmel–


When it comes to scheduling for a student-athlete, it is something that can be compared to as a job.


When it comes to us athletes, we have so much going on, and balancing a schedule that is made for us daily is probably the hardest task. I can’t speak for all the athletes on campus, but I know how it is to have to go through a day where you have two workouts to go through—if not even more—and then on top of that, class.


Don’t forget the extra time you put in on your own. Some may think that it is nothing and that athletes live the life, not having to go to work and school, when in reality, our sport can be qualified to be a job.


A typical day for a basketball player can consist of having a workout at 8:30 in the morning, then going to an individual practice or going to class till about 12:45, when we have a four hour practice.


This is something that some people couldn’t tolerate; it is physically challenging to go through workouts all day, but on top of that, having class too. Now that is mentally challenging.


As I said before, being a student-athlete isn’t the easiest thing. The one thing that you don’t get is much free time to yourself. Your daily schedule is something that your coach owns and is something that you don’t have a say in due to practice times. It’s almost like you’re constantly on the go when it comes to your day.


So, as an athlete, you cherish your free time as much as you can.


Photo by Austin Lassell/The Louisville Cardinal