By Anna Meany

While Americans consume more than they ever have, the amount of overconsuming humans continues to grow without regulation. The issue is clear: We are reproducing at an increasing rate.  Need I explain that overexploitation of resources is caused by overpopulation? There is simply not enough space and natural resources to sustain our ever-growing population. The amount of energy each human uses contributes to larger environmental devastation and lesser amounts of food.

Before immigration and reproductive laws, limiting environmental factors helped control the population of both humans and animals. Inadequate food supply, wars, natural disasters, predators and harsh environments all contributed to controlling population. While war and natural disasters still regulate earth’s population, current technology has conquered such other dilemmas. Famine and diseases still exist, but are mostly curable. In modern times, countries send aid and use weapons in effort to save individuals. However, when the aid runs out, regrowth is often unsustainable.  Are we simply preparing countries with already failing populations for an even bigger plummet?

While humans have adapted to overcome many factors, we’re not totally exempt from nature’s ability to limit populations. Once we reach earth’s carrying capacity for humans, our species must either consume less or decrease our population. Can you imagine a time when humans will fight for every bit of food? Fans of George Orwell might agree that foreseeing a dystopian society isn’t illogical.

Population control is rarely spoken of, in order to avoid links to communism. One immediately focuses on China, which enacted a one-child policy in 1978 to decrease issues such as overcrowding and the resulting environmental problems. Fines and mandatory abortions fuel anger from across the globe. In countries such as India and Iran, which also see high numbers of population, birth control is required. However taboo it may be, the earth’s population must be monitored to ensure the security of our resources. Can the recent immigration laws be considered forms of control? I believe politicos are discussing how to solve overpopulation behind closed doors. Can you foresee childbearing laws?

I strongly agree that the execution of population control is neither ethical nor justifiable.  But if we don’t stop reproducing at such an alarming rate, resources will run out. I have no solutions to solving overpopulation because I find it extremely immoral to determine who deserves resources. I see no justification in deciding which individual has the right to survive.