By Toma Lynn Smith

Rudy Spencer
Senior political science major

I am the chief student advocate for them (students) here at U of L. I represent all aspects of student issues, student opinions to the highest level of the University, to the Louisville community and to the Commonwealth.
Being the SGA president is really a tough job because you are in charge of operating and executing the $600,000 plus dollar budget that the Senate allocates. You have to make sure it’s executed as it’s mandated in the budget. I’m also the representative for the student body, anything that the senate executes; I’m in charge of making sure that its being directed to the appropriate people.
My year is going to center around engagement and getting students to be engaged in what’s happening at U of L. It really centers around three different types of engagement: civic, where we are talking more about higher education awareness, community, which addresses how to give back to Louisville, and campus, where we will ask questions such as how can we give back to campus? How can we have students engaged in what’s happening on campus? How do we make them aware of those three different issues and get them to respond?
Coming to U of L, you have to be open and active to all the different opportunities here on campus. You have to find your passion, whether it’s playing the guitar or playing Nintendo Wii, whatever it is, this university has it for you and you can be the best at it.

“Rudy is very talented; he is eloquent in his speech, thoughtful and extremely personable.”
-Brian Hoffman
SGA President 07-08

Mike Dennis
Executive Vice President
Senior marketing major

-Administer the policies, including but not limited to emphasis on
the budget and financial policies
– Assume the duties of the SGA President in his temporary absence
or vacancy
-Prepare and facilitate a leadership development class or workshop
to improve student leadership on campus and in the surrounding community.
“Our (top four) ultimate goal is to connect more students with their SGA and to provide the best service to students in their best interest. ?One of the platforms that I ran on was that I wanted to provide more funding opportunities for all students, with the Commonwealth’s budget cuts it will be all the more important to provide these opportunities for students.” ?
“Get involved! ?It doesn’t matter with what or who, just get involved with something on
campus. ?Once you find just one way to connect, it’s truly a snowball effect and the people you meet and the organizational benefits will enable and encourage you to branch out and be able to find your niche, your passion, and ultimately yourself.”

“Mike brings a lot of enthusiasm to the position of EVP and Student Government. He is a great guy; someone students can relate to. ?He has a truly positive attitude and really wants to do great things with the position. ?He has already been working on projects for next year!”
-Kate A Brueggemann
SGA Executive EVP 07-08

Ahmed Awadallah
Academic Vice President
Senior bioengineering major

-Serve as the student representative and voice to the Faculty Senate
-Chair of the SGA Academic Policy Board
-Manage the Student of the Month Selection Process
-Oversee the SGA Study Bucks Program
-Advise and administer all academic policy of the Student Senate
“I want to be a catalyst of communication, facilitating the transformation of student feedback into meaningful systematic change on academic policies for students in the University of Louisville.”
“My advice to college freshmen is to remember the most important aspect
of college is academics. I challenge you to get involved and be an engaged student leader on campus. Being involved is the key to an enjoyable college experience in my opinion. I challenge you to use resources such as REACH, CONNECT and other academic services that you will find very beneficial in your journey as a freshman. I am looking forward to serving as your SGA Academic Vice President.”

“I am very excited to see Ahmed take over as Academic Vice President next
year. ?His extensive experience will be a huge asset for the Top Four next
year. ?Furthermore, his outgoing personality and approachability will help
further the goals of an accessible and ambitious SGA. ?He and I have been
working closely and are proud of a successful transition.”
-Matt Flarity
SGA AVP 07-08

Dani Smith
Services Vice President
Senior political science major

“The Student Body Services Vice President ensures that university services accommodate students.? Most notably, the SVP is responsible for serving as the student voice and representative for food, parking, security, housing, and health services. Services Vice President also serves as the Student Government representative in the Staff Senate and is a non-voting member of the Resident Student Association.? My duties include contributing to the ideas and policies as well as analyzing current service practices.? Ultimately, I am responsible for shaping student services so they are advantageous to students.”
“In general, I want to open communication between student government and the student body.? Specifically, I want to focus on developing a safer campus atmosphere by increasing visibility of campus police, implementing library night-ushers, and improving lighting.? I also would like to improve food options and hours for students.? Developing a greener campus is also an initiative that I intend to focus on for the upcoming year.? The majority of what I do is voice the concerns and desires of the students.? If there is a question or concern you have please, do not hesitate to contact me!”
Get involved!? Find a program, issue or RSO that you are passionate about.? College is about so much more than class.? When you receive your degree in a few years you should know that you have learned all that you could while at U of L.

“Dani is probably one of the most well-rounded people that I’ve met. She has such a dynamic energy that is necessary to kind of balance all those different issues that come across the SVP desk.”
-Rudy Spencer
SGA SVP 07-08