By Deandra Hoppe

Not only is “Louder Now” the title of Taking Back Sunday’s new album, but also the theme. Each song is not just sung to you, but lead singer Adam Lazzaro takes a special pleasure in screaming it into the listener’s ear. Rather than being more dramatic and heartfelt, it becomes annoying.

The first song on the album, “What’s It Feel Like to be a Ghost?” is energetic from the start and displays a heavy use of guitar. In the middle of the song Lazzaro asks, “Are you up for this?” and I cannot stop myself from saying, “No.”

By the second track, the screaming seems to have subsided and the melody is even catchy. The lyrics are not the best, but the album starts to look up. The yelling comes back next track, however, along with the old feeling of annoyance.

However, it would be unfair entirely to not point out that Lazzaro has improved in nearly every way for this album. He no longer sounds needlessly whiney, and in general sounds more comfortable. He has also learned how to get his voice up and down without going from one high to another low. Previously, he would get uncomfortable during his more eclectic moments, and it got to be part of the “annoying trait” that plagued him.

Although whiney, he has toned it down to where I think, “He’s complaining again” rather than “Dude, just shut up.” However, Fred Mascherino has made the more vast improvement of the two, while he still isn’t anything out of the ordinary.

Eventually, the listener comes across a mediocre song titled, “My Blue Heaven.” Here an interesting incorporation of cello and violin is used to enhance the sound of the song. I have to admit that this track is not a complete miss.

The album is not a complete failure, but it is not my favorite. I recommend it to anyone who is upset with life and wants to yell along with the artists for about an hour and a half.