By David Simpson

I wish to address your handling of a student that has left the university of her own will. Your paper ran the story about a young woman who had made some poor choices when it came to the use of her cell phone camera.

While this individual’s information was stolen and posted without her knowledge, it is a shame that everyone who has access to your paper now has access to some of her information as well.

To simply broadcast this woman’s name to the general public is an outrage.

Instead of running her name through the mud publicly you should have taken the proper high road and simply left her name out of the article and stated her as a “former cheerleader.”

She should have been treated with some respect, like a rape victim. She left campus and the squad out of shame and embarrassment; I could [it being worse] had she remained on campus after this story you ran.

I hope I am not the only student on campus that realizes the harm you have done to this individual. If a woman on this campus was raped… would you again blast that person’s identity as well?

I hope your publication takes this letter to heart and re-evaluates

its policies.

-Senior David Simpson

English/Humanities major