New year, new resolutionsBy Julia Branham

    It’s a new year, and for a lot of us, that means hitting the gym to shed a few post-holiday pounds. Since the beginning of the semester, the Student Activities Center gym has been bustling with students looking to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions to get into shape.

    ”On average, we see 23,000-26,000 students in a given month,” said SAC gym Director David Hatfield. “During January and February, we will see close to 35,000.”

    But if you’re the type to avoid the gym because of crowds, you can expect the number of people to decline steadily as the year progresses.

    ”Usually the regulars are the only ones to come in after spring break,” Hatfield said. However, students like Zack Pennington are resolving to stick with their fitness regimen in 2006 by working out in the SAC at least three times a week.

    ”This year I don’t plan on making any excuses,” Pennington said.

    But not making excuses is often easier said than done. The demands of being a student can easily interfere with gym time, so some people have simply resolved to go whenever they can.

    ”Generally, I work out two or three times a week, but I’m not making a New Year’s resolution to do so,” said senior Lamar Smith. “If I make one, there is a chance I might not go through with it.”

    There is currently a waiting list for semester locker rental in the SAC, but lockers can be rented out daily for $1 if you bring your own lock. It costs a quarter to rent a lock.

    Also, since this is the gym’s busiest time of year, students may expect to wait in line for certain machines.

    ”[It’s crowded] all the time,” said sophomore Candice Preston. “It’s really inconvenient when I have to plan my workout routine around waiting on a machine.”

    ”Since I use the gym to play basketball, waiting isn’t a problem for me like it would be for someone using a treadmill,” sophomore Errol Wint said.

    According to the gym’s facility manager, Frank Nuxoll, 5:30-8 p.m. is the busiest time of day.

    ”The weight room and gym floor are most popular,” Nuxoll said. “Students play basketball a lot, especially when it’s cold outside.”

    There are a full range of machines, weights, and 22 pieces of cardio equipment in the SAC gym. First-timers should start out slow, with jogging or light weightlifting and then progress to a harder routine.

    Many students are hesitant to set gym schedules in stone due to obligations for school and/or work, so if you simply cannot make time to hit the treadmill, varying experts other small ways to improve your overall fitness level. For instance, cutting back on soda and alcohol is an easy way to lose pounds. Try water as an alternative to soda. It helps you to feel full quicker, so it’s great for people who are practicing portion control.

    Also, walking is a great way to get into better shape. Try parking further away and walking to class, shops or malls and taking stairs instead of elevators. The extra steps you take each day will ultimately add up.

    For the cynics who are asking themselves whether it is even possible to lose stubborn holiday weight, remember that with the proper motivation and determination, the gym can work wonders for anyone.