By Jessica Hickerson

More confessions of a freshman

The temperature is dropping. The leaves are transforming into beautiful shades of red, yellow, and brown. Jackets and sweaters are coming back out of the closet. Fall is officially here. The semester is officially half over. What have we learned? No, let me rephrase. What have we learned from our textbooks? What have we already learned about ourselves?

Freshmen, in these past two months, have changed their whole lives. We have learned the difference between Miller Hall and the Miller Technology Building. We have learned that on some occasions, comfort and a little extra sleep are much more important than fashion. Some have finally learned how to do their laundry. However, there are many lessons in the coming years that we have yet to learn.

One thing that I have already learned to hate and feel is important to mention is this whole college trend of a full semester’s grade on the sole basis of three test scores. Personally, I can study my tookus off for a test and still not be prepared for the tricky and manipulative questions thrown my way. We spend too much time studying a third of the semester’s material in hopes that maybe we are studying what will be on the test.

Fortunately for yours truly, I have only one class that abides by this collegiate rule; however, I am quite fearful of semesters to come. I have found that you really learn who your friends are in the first semester of college. Maybe this is just a personal experience, but I have already realized who from high school will actually keep in touch and who has already forgotten my last name. I have also noticed just how hard it really is to let go of my friends a second time. Many came home to visit during fall break, and watching them leave Louisville again was yet another twist of the knife in my heart. I’m dramatic, but it’s OK; I’m entitled to it now and again.

Speaking of friends, I am assuming that once a diploma is obtained, that usual high school pettiness is gone. Example: I have had two rather lengthy conversations with two different guys I went to high school with, who never talked to me a great deal for the four years we went to high school. I simply do not understand this behavior in the slightest; however, my shallowness prevails in that both of these guys (who will remain nameless for the sake of my embarrassment) are very attractive and therefore can continue to talk to me as much as they like.

Seems to me, as well, that if you do not live on campus, you are at somewhat of a disadvantage. All of the exciting Red Barn parties, musical concerts, lectures, and seminars tend to be within the late afternoon/evening hours, when many commuter students do not feel like making another trip to the good ol’ University of Louisville. You can tell me all you want that many of these activities have to be and/or are supposed to be at night; I reply by saying, “Then stop wondering why there is usually not a big crowd.” I have a nasty habit of sticking my foot in my mouth, though.

Clearly, these are only a few of the instances I have encountered in these past two months. Sometimes I see happenings such as I’ve mentioned, where I just want to yell and scream at people until they finally understand. However, I am one of the most nonconfrontational people ever and would never do that. I know it’s ironic that I am now an opinion columnist, but stranger things have happened. Right now, I am simply awaiting many new and exciting occurrences to happen in the future… such as getting my first grade report.