'Halo 2' delivers same great gaming as originalBy John Beechem

“Halo 2” is one of the most anticipated video game sequels in recent history. Its predecessor became one of the most popular first-person shooters of all time and one of the X-Box’s best sellers. Now, after three years in the making, “Halo 2” has finally arrived.

“Halo 2” picks up just where the first game ended. The plot is that of a standard sci-fi space opera with a bit of a militaristic edge; think “Starship Troopers”meets “Full Metal Jacket.”

The story unfolds rapidly, told through in-game cut scenes and dialogue that takes place during the action. “Halo 2” also lets the player see a lot of the story from the perspective of the Covenant (the bad guys), and the player is even able to play as a Covenant Arbiter throughout much of the single-player game.  Just as in the original, the player is able to select the difficulty, but for many the normal setting will be relatively easy. 

Of course, the real reason most players will waste hours and hours of their free time playing “Halo 2” is because of the multi-player experience. “Halo 2” changes just enough of the multi-player game to satisfy gamers, but not so much as to make the game play drastically different. A number of new maps are added and a few of the old ones remain, only slightly altered. Bungie Studios would have been well-advised to include all the maps from the single-player game. Still, the new maps are very good, and give the player a lot of flexibility to choose between ones that are up close and personal and those that are expansive, capture-the-flag-friendly environments. 

Just as in the single-player game, Covenant troops are also available, but don’t receive any advantages over the standard “Spartan” player. Appearances are much more nuanced in this game and allow players to look a bit more varied. The colors of the maps in this game are also quite brighter than the first, so anyone who chooses a bright purple design for their character won’t be at as much of a disadvantage as in the original. 

One of the best additions to “Halo 2” is the option of wielding dual weapons. Players are able to use two weapons simultaneously, and any combinations of the single-handed weapons are available. This is a great advantage for those who like to rush in and blast anything that moves, but players using two weapons at once aren’t able to throw grenades. This addition puts a lot of strategy into the game, as players try to figure out the best combination available for their environment and playing style. “Halo 2” uses the dual-weapon style better than practically any other game, even allowing a player to only shoot one weapon at a time.

“Halo 2” is unquestionably a great game. It offers new graphics, new weapons, new maps and a new storyline. The game play is not radically different from the first, so any player who enjoyed the first one is sure to enjoy the second. If you haven’t already, pick one up so you can start blowing up your friends as soon as possible.