By Dalton Ray —

People who put ketchup on their fries. Your offspring will be weak and will not survive the winter.

All of this constant construction on campus. Literally, it’s everywhere. There’s no longer a quiet, peaceful walk on campus. The campus is now filled with heavy machinery, buildings being knocked over and construction workers talking about how all lives matter.
Food options in the SAC. Students went from having nine places to grab something to eat to having five in one semester. There isn’t more of a headache-inducing situation than trying to grab something to eat from 11:40 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. The Panda Express is set to open later this fall, so by U of L standards, that means it’ll be open around mid-spring semester.
Matt Bevin. I really don’t need to say much more. This New Hampshire native is the reason U of L could lose its accreditation because he wanted to pull a power move. Bevin needs to stick to spending time with Kim Davis and hanging out in cockfighting rings.
Hoverboards on campus. Just walk, it’s really not a huge task. Anytime I see someone on one, I have to fight back the urge of finding the biggest stick and throwing it under their wheels.
The Confederate statue still on campus. I understand it’s supposed to represent all the fallen soldiers and such, but for a university to preach tolerance and diversity, it’s a bad look to have that on campus. It was a Hail Mary move by former president James Ramsey to save face, but it was still a good call. So if that could be removed, that’d be great.