By Lynnsey McGraw–

I am a senior at the University of Louisville, majoring in Communication. My family and I have been Christians our whole life. But then life all of a sudden got busy with sports, jobs, and school that it seemed that church just got in the way. We stopped going in my teenage years and that is when I took many steps back and didn’t have recognition of God in my life.

Bouncing back into faith at the age of 20, it was a whole new world for me. Seeing it from an adult perspective opened my eyes to a whole new world. It taught me different morals– being respectful, not being judgmental, being loving and being caring. Now at the age of 22, I have still a lot of learning to do.

I ask myself many times a day, “How can you change someone’s life at school?” Considering I am here Monday through Friday, I see a lot of other undergraduate students, like myself, and have countless interactions on a day-to-day basis. If someone is willing, I will always be open to sharing the gospel with them. I have become a part of the Intervarsity group and have a Bible Study I will be starting on Tuesday. This group will also be able to help direct me with the question on how I can change someone’s life.

Being a Christian certainly has changed my life for the better and I do hope to share the Bible with another student one day so their life will forever be changed for the better.