By Sammie Hill–

While some may view September 29 as just another Sunday, numerous individuals will wake the next day with a tender, gaping hole in their hearts. This hole that was once saturated with suspense, emotional volatility, amusement, and general badassery will now be empty, as the era of “Breaking Bad” will forever be over.


Before recently, “Breaking Bad” fans assumed that following the series finale, their only method of tending to the Heisenberg-shaped hole in their lives would be to catch an occasional re-run on AMC or to relive the five seasons of madness on Netflix. However, an announcement last week confirmed the rumors of an upcoming spinoff series, “Better Call Saul,” giving “Breaking Bad” fans a reason to step back from the final mind-shattering, heart-stopping episodes of season five and rejoice.


“Better Call Saul” will focus on the corrupt but lovable lawyer Saul Goodman, portrayed by Bob Odenkirk. The show, intended to be a prequel of sorts, will follow Goodman through his evolution as a lawyer in the period of time before he met Walter White.


Will the new show be able to remove itself from “Breaking Bad’s” shadow and take on a life of its own? I think the potential is there. Odenkirk’s brilliant depiction of Goodman has remained compelling and believable throughout four seasons. His general incompetence as a respected lawyer is more than compensated for by his hilarious wit, useful connections, and criminal experience. And while Bad fans assume Walter and Jesse are the most disturbed and bizarre clients he has ever had, his past is undoubtedly littered with interesting characters.


Indisputably, nothing will ever replace “Breaking Bad.” Watching the evolution of unassertive Walter White into the maniacal, murderous, millionaire Heisenberg is an irreplicable experience. However, “Better Call Saul” can hopefully act as a reminder of the show fans loved while becoming an acclaimed series itself.