By Eli Hughes–
The University of Louisville announced on April 9 that students and faculty will not be required to get tested for COVID-19 for the month of April. This decision comes as U of L reports a decline of on campus cases.
“Thank you for your continued diligence with the health and safety protocols and for making our campus a healthy and safe place during the pandemic,” the email announcement said.
“Due to a steady decrease in our campus positivity rate (0.4% and less over the last month), we are suspending the university’s required testing program at this time. See below for more details and reminders. ”
The email went on to say that Blue Water Diagnostics would continue to operate testing locations on campus to ensure students, faculty and staff will continue to have access to the vaccine. These groups are also encouraged to get tested regularly even though it will no longer be required.
University members are also encouraged to report any travel back from areas with a positivity rate of 10% or higher by filling at a form that can be found here.
The email concluded with some reminders about the COVID-19 vaccine and encouragement from the university to get vaccinated. Students interested in getting vaccinated at the new drive-through vaccination site should receive an email inviting them to make an appointment. Community members and students who haven’t received an invite can sign up here.
The Louisville Cardinal has previously reported on this vaccination site so more information can be found in this story.
Graphic by Eli Hughes//The Louisville Cardinal