By Kyla Thomas —
The NAACP on our campus has made great strides, especially in their political justice fields. On Sept. 17 they hosted a Profiles in the Courtroom event in Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium. Political Action Chair Brandon McClain has gone to great lengths to teach students about the judicial side of the law.
“I think it’s important to understand that there are people of all backgrounds that go on to succeed and have very successful careers with whatever they decide to do. So me bringing in Judge [Derwin] Web and Judge [Brian] Edwards is to show how hard to get and keep their seats,” McClain said.
“But once you keep those and make an impact on your community, it really reflects on your community and your community appreciates you so much.”
McClain said he believes that as a school, we should be more educated on important things in our community including the current judicial race.
The speakers were asked many questions about their time as black judges and lawyers. Webb said the difference between non-POC lawyers and POC lawyers is, “one is a job and the other is a responsibility.”
Another attendee asked if all justice was equal.
“Most people would agree in practical application that the answer to that question is no, but as far as what we aspire to, as far as myself as a judge, my colleagues as judges, what we aspire to have as a court system, the answer would be yes. I think the overwhelming majority of people believe and want fairness in the law,” Edwards said.
The guests also made sure to remind students of the importance of researching all the people that we vote.
“For judicial races, people go into voting booths, and we’ve worked just as hard as Mitch McConnell, or John Yarmuth or Greg Bishop. We’ve been at the same fish fries, kissed the same babies and when people are asked who they voted for during the judicial race, they always say ‘the person whose name I liked best,’” Edwards said.
“Read into who you vote for and why you want to vote for them because they’ll be in your courtrooms, deciding how people are treated and serving justice.”
Elections are November 6. Be sure to register, research and understand that the way you vote affects your community.
Photo by Kyla Thomas / The Louisville Cardinal