By Shelby Brown–

SGA Senate passed four resolutions Feb. 14.

Keith Auspland, president of the Kent School of Social Work, represented the Resolution to Bring U of L into ADA Compliance with Braille. A motion changed the name to the Joe Nelson Braille Resolution.

The senate also passed the Resolution for the Preservation of Student Government Association Democratic Electoral Integrity at the University of Louisville, co-authored by Landon Lauder, Paul Thompson and Lily Assgari. The resolution seeks to ensure that there are no outside financial contributions to SGA campaigns.


“It was very important to make sure that the elections for SGA candidates stay for the students, meaning the students who are running need to be for the students and nobody else,” Lauder said. “Bringing in outside contributions would have brought in vested interest and I really encourage the student body to hold the candidates accountable to this resolution.”

The Resolution to Express Solidarity with International Students, also known as the Student Solidarity Act, was also co-authored by Assgari and Lauder.

“My primary goal was to show students affected by the executive order that they have the support of their student government and by proxy, the majority of the student body,” Assgari said. “I hope that it will help them feel the continued support of, and inclusion in, our university community. In addition, I wanted the resolution to clearly acknowledge the positive impact diversity has on our university.”

The Resolution Providing the Evaluation of Professors and Course Practices of Inclusion and Diversity at the University of Louisville was presented by Jessica Morgan of the College of Arts and Sciences.

“I think this is very pertinent right now because a lot of people don’t feel included,” Morgan said during discussion.

During the meeting, SGA President Aaron Vance said he was pleased with the higher education rally turnout and is planning more lobbying days.

Executive Vice President Amanda Nitzken said the law school dean search is down to the final four candidates.

Services Vice President Lauren Greenwell is continuing conversations with ULPD about the effectiveness of the emergency blue lights, the escort system and technology improvements on campus.

Greenwell also spoke with U of L Parking  Feb. 10 about Tarc 90, possibly discontinuing it and rerouting the funds to safety services on campus.