By Kyeland Jackson —

A majority of faculty senate members voted in-confidence for U of L President James Ramsey, according to a poll reported during their meeting today.

Out of 60 members, 33 voted in-confidence, 24 voted no-confidence and three abstained. Members agreed to poll the issue further during their last meeting on April 6. The poll closed April 29.

Senators questioned the transparency and methods of the poll, noting a difference between their constituencies’ votes in April and the new poll.

“Is there some utility to discussing why as a body we seem to be much more in favor of Ramsey in comparison to how our constituencies were,” one faculty member asked. “I just don’t have confidence in this organization.”

During the last meeting, a majority of constituencies favored a vote of no-confidence in Ramsey. More than 75 percent of Arts and Sciences faculty voted for no-confidence, as well as 64 percent of the College of Business.

Enid Trucios-Haynes said the poll ensured transparency and was made with help from a university professor.

Pamela Feldhoff, the faculty senate representative on the board of trustees, presented the results to Ramsey. The results would inform Feldhoff’s vote on the board’s eventual no-confidence discussion, slated for June 21.

The staff senate and SGA will also have representatives voting in the June meeting.