By Tate Luckey–
Movies are back at the SAC.
For film buffs and casual viewers alike, one exciting event returning this year is Floyd Theater screenings, presented by the Student Activities Board. The films are meant to enrich film culture on campus.
Last year, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the theater operated under stringent conditions. Jennings Collins, senior SAB film committee chair said.
“We’re being a bit more lax this year both in terms of number of showings and attendance because we want to be as flexible as possible for students,” Collins said. The theater experience will be nearly the same as before the pandemic and will still be free.
The University of Louisville recently mandated masks be worn in classrooms, and that policy stays in the theater too. “We’ll be serving popcorn and drinks but students will be asked to have their masks on if they aren’t eating or drinking, just like you would in any dining area on campus,” Collins said.
He also said following social distancing protocol, theater seats are designated by the appropriate six-foot distance, and at the end of showings the space is cleaned.
Anyone interested can find a schedule of movies on the Floyd Theater Instagram, @thefloydtheateruofl, and on the U of L SAB’s website.
Upcoming films are Gaza Fights for Freedom (9/1, 9/2), Judas and the Black Messiah (9/8, 9/9) and 1983 classic The Outsiders (9/15, 9/16).
For those who want to be more involved in decisions directly, the SAB film committee meets every Wednesday at 2:30 in the Floyd Theater.
Graphic by Eli Hughes//The Louisville Cardinal