Updated on Feb. 20 at 10:10 P.M. Original story published on Feb. 19 at 3:00 P.M.
By Eli Hughes–
The Louisville Metro Police Department made an arrest after an incident on Fourth Street between Brandeis Avenue and Cardinal Boulevard on February 19. The suspect was originally spotted at the Shell gas station on Arthur Street and eventually fled onto campus.
The suspect was identified by the LMPD as Mark Coop and he has been charged with wanton endangerment, fleeing, tampering, reckless driving, disorderly conduct, operating on a suspended license and expired tags.
According to a statement from the LMPD, officers tried to perform a traffic stop after spotting Coop’s red Dodge SUV, which had been associated with attempts to break into cars at the Edison Building. “When the officer initiated the traffic stop the suspect failed to stop. The suspect then exited the parking lot and drove towards a second officer, who had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit,” the LMPD said.
“Officers followed the suspect for approximately ½ mile on Cardinal Blvd until he entered the U of L dormitory parking lot at 4th and Cardinal. Once the suspect entered the parking lot, he jumped the curb and became stuck in the snow. The suspect initially refused to exit his vehicle but eventually surrendered willingly and was arrested without further incident.”
University of Louisville Police Department Chief Gary Lewis said ULPD was on the scene assisting LMPD with the situation.
“Today, the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) contacted our agency and advised that they were in pursuit of a vehicle on Fourth Street and the suspect later stopped, then was barricaded inside the car just south of Cardinal Boulevard,” Lewis said. “ULPD responded to assist in setting up traffic control and a perimeter.”
Students received a RAVE alert at 11:54 A.M. informing students to avoid the area. A second RAVE alert was issued and 12:40 P.M. with an update that the issue had been resolved.
“After approx. 45 minutes, the suspect exited the vehicle without incident and LMPD took custody. The scene was cleared and a subsequent U of L Safety Update was sent to the campus community notifying students that they could return to this area on campus,” Lewis said.
Photo by Sean Willis