By Baylee Pulliam and Rae Hodge–
The Belknap campus is flooded and several student rooms at The Province are fire-damaged due to this morning’s storms.
The university sent out RAVE alerts this morning cancelling morning and afternoon classes and warning students to “please stay off campus.” The Early Learning campus is also closed.
Classes beginning at or after 4 p.m. will be held as scheduled.
Sam Davenport, a second year Speed School of Engineering student, commutes from his home in LaGrange, Ky. Today his only class was cancelled– after he’d already come to campus.
“It’s unbelievable. The campus is just a big bowl for all of this water. It pools so easily when it starts coming in,” Davenport said, wading into high waters at the Old Eastern Parkway underpass.
University of Louisville President James Ramsey said in a release those high waters damaged several cars and university facilities, including Strickler Hall and the Chemistry, Houchens and Theater Arts buildings.
Over at the Province, a lightning strike caused a fire that could leave as many as 36 students displaced. There were no injuries.
According to U of L spokesman Mark Hebert, at least a dozen student suites were damaged badly enough to force students out. Another 12 single-bed units were severely damaged, and management is worried about electrical problems in another 12.
“Some of those students may have lost just about everything in their apartments,” Ramsey said.
Hebert said the Province should have enough space to house the displaced students. Those students met with officials from the Province, Student Affairs and Student Housing this morning to have their questions answered.
Ramsey said the Student Affairs Office is working with The Province’s management, the American Red Cross and private insurance companies to help the students who suffered losses.
Student Affairs is also making assistance available through the Bornwasser Student Emergency Fund. You can donate here.
PHOTOS: Belknap campus flooding, fire at The Province
Photos by Rae Hodge/The Louisville Cardinal